Write 31 Days

Hello! Welcome! How are you? This page is for a writing challenge during the month of October 2015. My subject is My Savior’s Wings. God has wings and so many of the creatures about Him do also. They are so full of Meaning and beauty. Hope you enjoy!

DaySpring.com is celebrating all of the amazing Write 31 Days readers who are supporting nearly 2,000 writers this October! To enter to win a $500 DaySpring shopping spree, just click on this link & follow the giveaway widget instructions. Good luck, and thanks for reading!

Recap Of the Blog for October

There are ways of meeting all of our needs through our sweet Savior. He also has servants that are prepared by God to meet our needs. They are a beautiful fit between us and the times we live in. And they don’t just fix us they minister to our hearts. What a precious place heaven is.

New Blog Design

I’ve been feeling that my blog is not meeting a need. So I’ve decided to redesign the format. I’m hoping it will be more worshipful and be a quiet place for us to come to meditate on Jesus. If you find it that way please mention it to others. I hope to meet you there. Please also feel free to make comments! The redesign will be occurring over the next month.

Magical Brothers

I just had knee cap surgery, my patella broke in two pieces.

It was outpatient surgery. I really didn’t mind it so much because they’real friendly and good at what they do.

I still did tremble a bit but that goes with surgeryq.

The magical thing about it is that my brother has been with me every step of the way.

At the surgery,

at the recovery,

at home he got my food,

helped me get in the recliner.

i coudn’t ask for anything more.

If I could clone my three brothers

I would clone them for you.

Every body needs these three

to make you laugh

or help you out when you’real in trouble!

It’s All Good

I’m ready for Christmas! I’ve got most of my presents almost put together (DIY gifts) and it isn’t even the end of October. This is weird for me. I’m usually frantically buying from Amazon at the last minute.
I absolutely love Christmas. It’s all good news! A baby born to show us what God is like. His compassion was poured out on us Christmas morning. Shepherds with
angels saying Peace. On earth good will to all people! Peace how we need it in our busy worried hearts. How we need it in our country.. How we desperately need it in our world. That’s what we got for a few moments on Christmas Day when the Prince of Peace was born in an animal’s stable a and wrapped tight and laid in the animal’s feeding trough. He was our Savior then, our Savior now and our Savior we’ll have in eternity.

Prince of Peace

surgery Friday…a broken kneecap has meant a wobbly leg. I’ll go in and my cheerful doctor will greet me. I’ll be trembling just a bit. This isn’t my fave way to spend a weekday. I’ll be going alone into a white room full of strangers talking cheerfully and I’ll be trembling a bit. When I come out I’ll be trembling a bit not knowing what to expect.
What do you do when you tremble a bit? We can tremble for all sorts of reasons. I could give advice on what to do but I’m certainly no expert on advice. I guess these times are what our Savior’s for. Leaning on Him trembling and all…”you have been my King of glory now would you be my Prince of peace.” (Rich Mullins)

Their Wings Speak

This was inspired by Matthew Henry’s Commentary.
The angels’ four wings make an odd noise.
The voice of their wings aren’t just noise, unintelligible.
It’s as if they’re speaking.
Only it’s not with an angel voice.
It’s with the voice of many waters, like God.
They’re speaking all the time in the country in the city.
They want to get our attention.
“Listen! He loves you!
He wants to teach you, cleanse you, embrace you.
And He wants to show you His purpose, His sacred appointment for your life.
We can hear Him calling “sit down, quiet you, read my words

The Four Faces of AngelS

Inspired by Matthew Henry’s commentary
We have our issues that trouble us.
Jesus is right there inside our hearts soothing.
But there are ministering spirits, angels
who have the abilities it takes to take care of the details of our issues.
The angels in Ezekiel had four faces…
one face of a man with insight and knowledge.
Secondly a lion strong and courageous to fight for us.
Third an ox who works hard at details tirelessly.
Then the eagle is quick and has piercing eyes
to gaze into the mysteries of heaven
and can teach us answers we need for this life.
These four faced angels can meet an awful lot of soul needs.
An insightful man, a protective lion, a worker ox and wise eagle
are just what we need when life’s hassles hit.

This Little Light Of Mine

These visions tell a story and are kind of like parables
only to the eye instead of the ear.
The four faces were because of the four winds of heaven
that will be where Jesus draws us from on that Day.
Even though Ezekiel only saw four angels
there were many more unseen.
They had a face of a man to show that they were reasoning and intelligent.

And to show they had the likeness of man because
“the spirit of a man is the candle of the Lord.” Matthew Henry’s Commentary
We should let our light shine and it shouldn’t be set under a basket.
We’re created to give to others a little light
to help them make it through
their day
or their week
Or their lifetime.
So these angels shine like we should,
they are a parable which we should be to our friends and acquaintances,
they symbolize that Day which should always excitedly be on our minds.

Ministering Spirits Beget Ministering Spirits

This was inspired by Matthew Henry’s Commentary.
These angels are alive but like us they are alive by God’s hand
They are ministers of fire, angelic spirits.It’s unclear to me if they are seraphim or cherubim.
But Daniel was told their number … Ten thousand by Ten thousand.
Although they are many they move as one.
They minister to us and God uses them to watch over us.
There are people in our lives who are ministering spirits.
Their life, their willing service is derived from God’s hand.
Their tender hearts warm us and give us desire to go on
and use our gifts to be ministering spirits also.

Te God of the Lonely

This was inspired by Matthew Henry’s Commentary.
The vision that Ezekiel saw was a message from God that even though he and the people were captured and taken to a foreign land The God of the Temple is here. God is loving us even in our loneliness. He’s with us no matter how we’ve gone wrong or where we find ourselves. Being single is full of temptation quite a bit stemming from loneliness. When I am lonely I eat. If only I would take a look at the God who loves the lonely.
A whirlwind from the north came to clear the view of Heaven but a cloud kept them safe from seeing too much of His glory.
The seraphim angels are appearing out of a fire that is rolling in on itself. They are called the fiery ones. Our God is a consuming fire. Sometimes life tests us by fire. Crazy circumstances, wishing for a boyfriend, our job goes sour, but His angels are in the fire reminding us that He’s on His throne watching every detail of our lives and He is loving us even in our loneliness. God is holy enough to have angels worship Him and lowly enough to allow them to attend to us

A Dear Man of God

Introduction cont’d inspired by Matthew Henry’s Commentary.
When we struggle in our own way
as the Israelites did in captivity
we need instruction on how to handle it.
And we need teaching to correct us.
They go hand in hand to help us to survive and even grow.
And lest there be no word from God He places someone
who is near to Him
and whom God is affectionate of
and He uses him to bring the message.
In this case Ezekiel is going through the same afflictions or captivity..
But even though Ezekiel was a prisoner
his vision was not.
His instruction and correction were freely dispersed.
This is just like Paul when he was in prison
and John on the Isle of Patmos.
I love God
that He makes sure we have all we need.
He provides a man of God to speak to each person’s need.
A magical, amazing thing.

Funky Visions

Intro to Ezekiel – based on Matthew Henry’s Commentary
We’re studying Ezekiel for a little while now because there are definitely some wings in Ezekiel. Because the visions of creatures that Elijah has are a bit funky I am using a commentary to help me out. I never have before now so please be patient with me as I learn something, a lot of things, new.
Ezekiel’s call from God was to humble the people as they had just gone into captivity and were proud and obstinate. So God gave him a vision of things above to humble them a bit.
The vision was peculiar as it had heavenly creatures as the main characters in it. They had the face and legs of a man but everything else was completely otherworldly.
To try and understand these things entirely is impossible just like we understand the universe or the depths of the ocean. But we can unravel some of it to grasp God’s heart for Israel, for us and for His glory. And the more we study these visions the more we’ll understand what God is saying to us and the more we’ll submit to God’s will which is the purpose of the visions.

Swift as Eagles
“Saul and Jonathan, beloved and lovely!
In their lives and in their deaths they were not divided.
They were swifter than eagles,
they were stronger than lions.”
2 Samuel 1:23 AMP

Jonathan, Saul’s son and David confided in each other.
They protected each other.
Actually they were inseparable.
But Saul on the other hand, chased David to kill him.
David used to play the harp for Saul to ease his disturbed mind.
But David was dearly loved by the people.
They wanted him as King partly because he had killed Goliath.
So King Saul tried to chase David down
to do away with him
and keep his kingship.
David ran and wrote Psalms of fear and hate
and then repentance and trust in the Lord.
Even with all that Saul had done to him
and how he had turned on him
He deeply mourned these two men.
He eulogized them both
by saying they were swifter than eagles
and stronger than lions.
David said it was because Saul was anointed.
There’s something about a man anointed by God that calls out to be honored.
And Jonathan deserved to be honored
because of his sweet friendship and loyalty with David.
His honor of Saul should be noticed by us.
Our political leaders and our church leaders should have our honor
No matter their policies or manners.
His example is unparalleled in the Bible
Except by verses in the New Testament
Commanding our honor of our leaders
So that we may live quiet lives.
And also answer for the beautiful hope within us.

Prayer Can Move CountrieS

Elijah commanded by God, before Whom he stood
that there would be no dew or rain for a few years.
Elijah was obeying his God.
Elijah was a person like us, common, ordinary
but he prayed as he stood before the Lord
and the sky over his country dried up.
Prayer can change the course of a country,
the prayer of a common girl or guy going before an uncommon God.

And God sent Elijah into hiding by a bubbling brook.
There God said would be water for a while
and ravens would feed him bread and meat.
God provides for His own.
It may not always be fun but we’re provided for.

God used a bird to minister food to Elijah.
Not an elegant bird like a peacock or maybe a parrot.
A raven, a dull raven.
But actually Elijah’s food came from the hand of God.
We take from God the provision we are given
And are so grateful for His touch on us.

You shall drink of the brook,
and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there.”
1 Kings 17:1-4 AMP

A Little Praise

“Then he waited another seven days
and sent forth the dove,
but she did not return to him any more.”
Genesis 8:12 AMP

They had been cramped inside an ark for over 40 days
And not with only each other but with smelly, noisy animals
In a muggy, bad hair day atmosphere.
They were snapping at each other.
It was past rime to be released.
The sweet dove was set free to check availability of land.
Soon the Ark would never be inhabited again.
And it couldn’t be soon enough.
Noah had a little laughter building up inside
A little praise came pouring out to God.
All he had built, all the ridicule he had endured
Not to mention the boat ride for 40 days
Was now over and God had shown Himself
to be by Noah’s side every step.

A Bird Getting His Worship On

Praise the Lord, everything he has created,
everything in all his kingdom.
Let all that I am praise the Lord.
Psalm 103:22 (NLT)
There is a type of bird on the Florida coast
That is the cutest thing.
It is small, round with a long beat and long three inch legs.
And it scurries around faster than the eye can keep up with.
It rrrrrrrrruns towards the wave going out.
Then it  rrrrrrrruns back to safety when the waves roll in.
Praising God is what this cutie is doing.
It brings a smile, almost a giggle for to me to watch!
And God’s got a twinkle in His eye watching the adorable one on the beach.
It’s by living we praise God.
It’s by loving, by cheering someone, it’s by our laughter, and by the ebb and flow of our daily routines
That we bring a twinkle to God’s eye.

A Tender Dove

“When all the people were baptized, Jesus also was baptized. As He was praying, heaven opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on Him in a physical appearance like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are My beloved Son. I take delight in You!”
Luke 3:21-22 HCSB

I wonder if He was baptized sort of like foot washing.
In other words He placed Himself at our level.
He didn’t place Himself above us even though
He was quite completely holy
He was quite completely serving His Father
And had no other reason to be baptized.
Because, I believe, He made Himself lowly
Humbled Himself, it pleased His Father.
So, the Father sent a dove down.
Or actually The Holy Spirit in the form of a dove.
Why the form of a dove?
A dove is
Just like Jesus.

A Word to Wait

“But those who wait for the Lord …
shall change and renew their strength and power;
they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God]
as eagles [mount up to the sun],… [Heb. 12:1-3.]”
Isaiah 40:31a AMP

Sometimes waiting on the Lord is difficult.
When you’re waiting for your teenager to get home from a party.
When you’re waiting for the love of your heart to come into your path.
When you’re on a trip home, waiting for the sight of your family.
So much of earth time is waiting on Him to move.
What we need to do is study His word just a bit
Just enough to find a comforting word to cling to.
It’ll give us power to make it through, loving Him.
And that will bring us nearer to God
The way an eagle soars up nearer the sun
To warm his wings in it.

Sing What We Sing

“Above Him stood the seraphim;
each had six wings:
with two [each] covered his [own] face
and with two [each] covered his feet,
and with two [each] flew.”
Isaiah 6:2 AMP

Isaiah found himself in God’s throne room.
Those who are to teach others the knowledge of God
ought to be well acquainted with Him themselves.
(Matthew Henry’s Commentary)
So Isaiah was up close and personal with God.
God’s robe filled the temple..
But there was a really interesting exchange between he and the Angels, Seraphim
God’s holiness was overwhelming.
Isaiah said I have sinned.
So a seraphim came to him,
placed a glowing coal on his lips.
Then he was healed.
No more sin and
he was ready to serve God.
What’s a seraphim?
They have six wings
With two they cover their faces.
It’s probably because they don’t look at God’s holy face out of reverence.
With two they covered their feet.
And with two wings they fly.
They’re thought to be faster than the wind.
They’re also called the fiery ones.
They sing calling to and answering each other.
Holy, Holy, Holy…
The angels sing or at least chant
but there’s no one anywhere that can sing like those
Bought by the cross.
We know our depth of sin
How He gave His life, the bread and the wine.
We’ll have a glow and a melody and a heartfelt meaning
That no other being has.
(Info on angels from Matthew Henry’s Commentary)

A Little Birdie Told Me

“Curse not the king, no, not even in your thoughts,
and curse not the rich in your bedchamber,
for a bird of the air will carry the voice,
and a winged creature will tell the matter.
[Exod. 22:28.]” Ecclesiastes 10:20 AMP

Grandma would say something about me I hadn’t told her.
I’d ask her, how’d you know that?
She would say a little birdie told her!
It’s not right to curse the king or President
whether or not he finds out.
God says this in a couple of places in His word.
And it’s not right to curse our brother, rich or poor.
A little birdie, a tiny angel, whatever it is,
May be the messenger or a figurative messenger
But gossiping is not where our hearts or mouths belong.
My Grandma’s little birdie always told her nice things about me.
She was one person who could have kept that winged creature in her window
and she would have no reason to worry.
She had a pure mouth.
I would love to be like her.

That’s my ‘Pinion!
“[Then] He will cover you with His pinions,
and under His wings shall you trust and find refuge;
His truth and His faithfulness are a shield and a buckler.”
Psalm 91:4 AMP

This is my favorite verse about His wings.
The reason why is that it’s descriptive of some details
That seem to me to prove He has wings.
His pinions…those are larger feathers made for flying.
I would guess they would also be the most protective.
So that His children would be in the safest place.
Sometimes I feel like I’m in a precarious place,
whether I got there on my own
or it’s an enemy messing with me
But here under His pinions
I could be at peace and trust my safety.
It would be a place to hide, a refuge.
His truth in my heart
and His faithfulness to use that truth to remake me
Are a shield for my heart
and a smaller shield, a buckler, worn on the arm, for deflecting incoming arrows.
This is the only time a buckler is mentioned in the Bible
So I’m not sure of it’s purpose, spiritually.
Anyway, He gives us His truth and faithfulness to protect our hearts and souls.
And His wings are a place of trust, no fear.

“For You have been my help,
and in the shadow of Your wings will I rejoice.”
Psalm 63:7 AMP

David was in a wilderness
Lost, parched, weary.
While he was feeling his worst
He began to picture in his mind
What it would look like when
Not if
God saved him.
He pictured eating good food again.
And he pictured
Being in the cool shadow of God’s wings
Rejoicing in Him.
David had a beautiful faith and trust
In the One who would save Him.
And He knew the best place to party was near His God
And he knew the nearest place was under His loving God’s wings.

This Beautiful Thought

“I will dwell in Your tabernacle forever;
let me find refuge and trust in the shelter of Your wings.
Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]!”
Psalm 61:4 AMP

There’s a Tabernacle in heaven
And the Tabernacle here was formed in replica.
So in heaven there is an incense prayer bowl
A lamp like an almond branch
A precious Mercy Seat
And God.
And the Temple, Tabernacle is filled with His glory.
David wanted to dwell there forever.
Not for the gold or for the beautiful rich purple fabric.
Not for the honor or power he would maybe have nearer to the Holy One.
But he needed refuge.
He trusted in the fact that God’s wings were wrapped around him.
He could hide in them forever.
Then David said Selah – pause and meditate on this beautiful thought.

Sweet Shadow
“BE MERCIFUL and gracious to me, O God,
be merciful and gracious to me,
for my soul takes refuge and finds shelter and confidence in You;
yes, in the shadow of Your wings will I take refuge
and be confident until calamities and destructive storms are passed.”
Psalm 57:1 AMP

His wings are protective and safe
but they are also merciful and gracious.
Sometimes our hearts need different qualities.
Driving on a trip or people doing certain activities
Need protective and safe wings.
A person whose heart is broken or is troubled
Need wings of mercy and grace.
Sometimes we just need all of it!
That helps me when I start praying for my loved ones.
Most of us though need
In His wings.
So our hearts, souls and bodies
Are safe underneath the sweet
Of His mighty wings.

So Much Grace

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, murdering the prophets
and stoning those who are sent to you!
How often would I have gathered your children together
as a mother fowl gathers her brood under her wings,
and you refused!”
Matthew 23:37 AMP
Luke 13:34 AMP

The sins of Jerusalem were great.
And soon they would crucify their Savior.
Knowing all this He still longed for them
To say Lord, we have sinned.
Forgive us please.
We ask for mercy although we are undeserving.
He would have gathered them near
Like a hen gathers it’s young with it’s wings.
But they refused.
So sad.
How can they resist a Savior like Him?
Instead He gave that promise to us guys.
After the cross people.
We’ve failed Him greatly.
I have.
My only hope is His mercy of which I am so undeserving.
But for an eternal question not for a reason on earth,
He has chosen to accept you and I.
He gathers us close like a mother hen.
Irresistible He is.

In the Cool of His Wings

“How precious is Your steadfast love, O God!
The children of men take refuge
and put their trust under the shadow of Your wings.”
Psalm 36:7 AMP

How sweet is your love that lasts
in spite of the constant childish testing of You we do.
You give us a place to go that’s safe and hidden
We can put our trust in, depend on Your wings and their cool and safety of a shadow.
It’s a place of protection, hidden from the scorching heat of the hate of this world
And a place to hide away from the fray.
Your wings are like a hen’s wings in the security they offer their little ones.
Yet Your wings are like none other in the way they offer the power of armor in their protection
And great love for the ones they protect.

A Different Side of God

“He bowed the heavens and came down;
thick darkness was under His feet.
He rode on a cherub and flew;
He was seen upon the wings of the wind.”

David spoke or wrote these verses.
He was into trouble with an enemy far overpowering for him.
So for God’s child in trouble He moved heaven so that it gave Him momentum as it poured Him out
He had a couple of purposes on His mind.
To intimidate the enemy and snatch His child from danger.
He rode on the wings of a cherubim and He was flying!’
Darkness was under His feet.
Dark clouds moving speedily across the sky.
He had created the winds to move fast.
Sixty miles an hour and more.
So He moved on the wings of the wind.
These weren’t wings of protection as for Ruth.
These weren’t wings of grace either as for Jerusalem.
These were wings of I’m going after my child
Don’t dare get in the way!

“He made darkness His canopy around Him,
gathering of waters, thick clouds of the skies.”

Sometimes His garments are made of light.
But this time He clothed Himself in darkness
To blend in with the I’m going after my child Wings
And the dark clouds under His feet.

“Out of the brightness before Him coals of fire flamed forth.
The Lord thundered from heaven,
and the Most High uttered His voice.”

Going before Him was brightness and coals on fire.
He was livid.
And there would be a tall price to pay for toying with His child.
His voice is like thunder.
I love thunder. It’s my Savior’s voice.
But I’ve been told that thunder up close,
like on a mountain
Gives fear and trembling.
It cracks like it’s flattening everything in close proximity..
Just pray and hang on tight until the storm is over.

“He sent out arrows and scattered them;
lightning confused and troubled them.”
Now the enemy is frightened and quite confused.
God’s tossing lightening with a really good aim.

“The channels of the sea were visible,
the foundations of the world were uncovered
at the rebuke of the Lord, at the blast of the breath of His nostrils.
He sent from above, He took me;
He drew me out of great waters.
He delivered me from my strong enemy,
from those who hated me,
for they were too mighty for me.”

There’s so much that goes on in the foundation of the earth.
We, you and I, were created there for one.
Here it was uncovered.
God bent down heaven to come down and now He is revealing the center of the earth.
I’d say He was out to impress with His power.
He picked His beloved from the waters.
He got to David in time with great show, love, and anger.
And He showed Himself to be God in a different sort of way.

This reminds me of the day of darkness Jesus died.
Into Thy hands I commit my spirit.
2 Samuel 22:10-18 AMP

Wings of Refuge

“The Lord recompense you
for what you have done,
and a full reward be given you
by the Lord, the God of Israel,
under Whose wings
you have come to take refuge!”
Ruth 2:12 AMP

Boaz spoke these words to Ruth
Knowing that Ruth is now worshiping God,
who was foreign to her. The God of Israel.

Ruth was from Moab.
She came to Israel with her mother-in-law, an Israelite.
Only her husband and Naomi’s husband had passed away.
Both widows.
I can imagine when they were alive that they had a wonderful time.
There was a kindness in Naomi and a strength that Ruth loved.
Ruth’s husband was fun-loving and worshipful of his God.
Naomi worshiped this God who sees Ruth’s heart,
He provides Ruth’s needs,
His eyes see her devotion and defend her.
That’s why Boaz could see Ruth came for refuge.
Under God’s wings.
His wings of grace.
His wings of welcome.
His wings of comfort.

What Do We Listen To?

When the Israelites came out of Egypt
God bore them on eagle’s wings
and brought them to Himself.
Ex 19:4 AMP
The Children of Israel had been borne on eagles’ wings
for three months at the time of this verse.
God spoke to Moses that God had carried them to Himself
with those eagles wings.
He loves the nearness of His people to His Name
(His Name – The fullness of the meaning of His character – it’s Him)
That’s why He used the eagles.
A stately, powerful bird that would bear His people up
and protect and guarantee they would arrive safely.
Since it’s probably earthly eagles by the way it was written
it must be a group of eagles who have that power and determination
to rescue and bring to God at the Lord’s bidding.
There’s a scene in Lord of the Rings trilogy
Where an eagle comes to rescue the good wizard, Gandolf.
Gandolf is put on top of a tower
weak from torture and alone with no way of getting down
Until he beckons the eagle and it comes to bear him.
Eagles listen to Good.
They are rescuers.
They are powerful.
They can spot trouble from afar.
But eagles are true and good
In fantasy writing, in our country and in God’s word.
Do we have noble qualities like the eagles?

Winged Angels Watching Mercy

“And you shall make two cherubim
(winged angelic figures) of [solid] hammered gold
on the two ends of the mercy seat.”
Exodus 25:18 AMP
These Angels were softly, strongly guarding the Mercy Seat.
They were formed of gold
so they were only a symbol
of what is in the Temple in Heaven.
And the Mercy Seat was a symbol also
but it was actually the place Moses met with God
Here on Earth.
I am so touched by the fact that God met Moses
At a place called Mercy.
He could have met him at Angry, or Judgement, or Justice.
But He didn’t.
He met him at tender mercies,
at I forgive you mercies,
at I love you no matter what mercies.
And back to the wings because
They cover God on the mercy seat.
They’re there watching the mercy
being displayed by this God they worship night and day.

My Savior’s Wings
Write 31 Days
There are a myriad of verses in God’s Word
That describe The wings of heaven and even God’s own wings.
It’s awkward I know to think of God with wings
But the more I read the more beautiful they are
And the more meaning they have.
He must be amazingly beautiful.
And He is definitely amazingly loving.
In some Scriptures He comes on the wings of heaven in a fury to rescue His loved one.
In some, most, He’s gentle and warmly welcoming.
In a few He is protective.
I love to study His intricacies.
They all have meaning and depth.
I don’t get into every detail, so the study is by no means exhaustive.
But it is brushed by His wings rather than carefully analyzed by me.
So this Write31Days study is on The Wings of My Savior .
I hope you enjoy!

6 thoughts on “Write 31 Days

  1. We read everyone of Your Writings ! Keep doing it as WE Feel BLESSED by the messages, and we know how much you have studied and worked to gain the knowledge you have, to write the words as you do now! YOU ARE ALWAYS IN OUR PRAYERS–We Love You, M0M and DAD

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